Unlock Your Energy With The Power Of Purpose!

EOP S2 66 | Power Of Purpose

We know we’re more powerful when we’re more purposeful. But how do we fan the flame of purpose? In today’s episode, we begin to explore this crucially important area of our lives.


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Unlock Your Energy With The Power Of Purpose!

We journey into the very heart of what makes us wake up with vigor, move through our days with confidence, and sleep with quiet minds and full hearts. In the vast expanse of human experience, there's one beacon that consistently outshines others. Our sense of purpose. Here at the show, we firmly believe that we unleash our power through genuine purpose that emerges when our unique gifts converge with the act of adding value to others. Dive in with me as we chart this exciting path to electrifying energy.

Can you remember the last time you were so engrossed in an activity that hours felt like minutes and fatigue was an afterthought? That is the power of purpose at play. Being aligned with your purpose is tapping into a vast reservoir of energy, but what is the purpose? At its core, purpose is the sweet spot where your unique gifts, those special skills, insights, and talents that only you bring to the table, meet the needs of the world around you.

EOP S2 66 | Power Of Purpose

Power Of Purpose: At its core, purpose is the sweet spot where your unique gifts—the special skills, insights, and talents—that only you bring to the table meet the needs of the world around you.

Imagine for a moment that you possess a personal customized toolkit, but it's not filled with hammers, screwdrivers, or pliers. Instead, it's brimming with your abilities, experiences, and passions. These are not tools. They are extensions of who you are. They represent your unique potential to make your mark on this world. Every time you employ a tool from this kit, you are harnessing a piece of yourself. The more frequently and adeptly you utilize these gifts, the closer you align with your intrinsic purpose.

Tools are valuable. Any job is made easier with the right tool. Without it, jobs can be tough and sometimes near impossible, but tools with no task are simply potential. Potential is nice. It's good, but it's not valuable nor rewarding when it remains untapped. That's where the world comes in. Every individual, community, and organization has needs, desires, and challenges.

Here's the beautiful symmetry of it all. The world's needs are waiting, sometimes desperate for the tools you uniquely offer. When you use your gifts to meet these needs, not only are you fulfilling a purpose, but you also generate value. In that act of giving, you find a return on investment that's not just rewarding but also energizing.

When you use your gifts to meet these needs not only are you fulfilling a purpose, but you also generate value.

Consider a puzzle. Each piece, with its unique shape, fits perfectly into a designated spot. In life, you are that puzzle piece, and your shape, skills, passions, and experiences are meant to fill specific gaps in the larger canvas of existence. By fitting into your destined spot, you complete a part of the broader picture and derive an incredible sense of belonging and vitality.

Three signposts on the path to purpose. Number one is self-awareness. Before you can offer your gifts, you must recognize them. This involves introspection. Ask yourself, what are those tasks or activities where I excel effortlessly? What pursuits make my heart race with excitement? These questions are your starting markers. Now, we need to consider a limitation we all share.

We all have blind spots. For that reason, we use tools. I think of them as mirrors and flashlights to help us better see what would otherwise remain hidden from us. I often use psychometric instruments in this way. If you are in a place where you wish to take a more complete, accurate inventory of the attributes that make you a unique and valuable individual, please feel free to reach out to me and we can discuss these in greater detail.

Number two, empathy and observation. To understand where you can add value, you must be attuned to the needs around you. Listen actively, observe keenly, and understand deeply. Where do the needs of others intersect with your gifts? Another way to expand awareness in this way is to have high-quality conversations. Some of those will be with people you know. Others can be professionals whose personal gifts include the ability to help others discover more of the world around them.

EOP S2 66 | Power Of Purpose

Power Of Purpose: To understand where you can add value, you must be attuned to the needs around you. Listen actively. Observe keenly. Understand deeply

Number three is continuous growth. The world evolves and so must your toolkit always be in a state of learning, refining, and expanding your gifts. That's a primary function of what we are doing in our community. We don't remain on our growth journey. We join others united with the same spirit and intent to hasten our steps and avoid becoming stuck in the inevitable entities and potholes we encounter along the way.

To illustrate what using our unique gifts can be like, let's look at Maya, a talented graphic designer. Maya always had a knack for visual storytelling. Her toolkit was filled with creativity, an eye for detail, and technological acumen. However, she felt something was missing. One day, while volunteering at a local school, she recognized a gap. Educators struggled to make complex topics engaging for students. Connecting her skills with this need, Maya began designing educational graphics and animations. Not only did this amplify students' understanding, but Maya also found herself invigorated. Working late into the night with boundless energy, she had unlocked her purpose.

The purpose isn't a philosophical concept. It has tangible effects. When you are aligned with your purpose, you will experience at least three important benefits. First, enhanced productivity. Tasks no longer seem cumbersome or more efficient, effective, and inspired. Distractions hold less sway over us. Second, emotional well-being. A sense of accomplishment and belonging boosts mental health. This creates a positive feedback loop that feeds our energy and thus our power, and third, physical health. Believe it or not, people who are purpose-driven often report better physical health. That's the body's way of saying you are on the right track.

Unearth your gifts find where they're needed, and witness the electrifying surge of energy that accompanies a life filled with purpose.

In this vast, intricate dance of life, every move we make has the potential to align with our purpose. Remember, this alignment isn't a one-time event. It's an ongoing journey of understanding oneself, recognizing the world's needs, and melding the two into a symphony of value and energy. Your toolkit awaits and the world eagerly anticipates your contributions. Unearth your gifts, find where they are needed, and witness the electrifying surge of energy that accompanies a life filled with purpose. Until next time, continue to explore, align, and energize. Your purpose is your power. Let's go.


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