The Spectrum Of Human Nature - How The Powerful Film Sound Of Freedom Teaches Us About Ourselves

EOP S2 67 | Sound Of Freedom

If you haven’t seen the movie Sound of Freedom, I invite you to do so. It dramatically displays the best and worst of human nature. It moved me to share how this affects us in our journey to manifest our personal power. Today’s episode is the result.


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The Spectrum Of Human Nature - How The Powerful Film Sound Of Freedom Teaches Us About Ourselves

I saw the movie Sound of Freedom. It was an unusual and profound cinematic experience. One I hadn't exactly been looking forward to. I chose to see it almost out of a sense of duty. Why would I do that? After all, the topic is among the ugliest in human experience, child sex trafficking. The problem of child abduction and exploitation is heartbreakingly acute.

It may surprise you to learn that there are more slaves in the world now than at any other time in human history, including the height of the African slave trade. Many of them are children. The disgusting trade has sadly exploded over the last couple of decades. International crime syndicates have turned to the exploitation of the innocent for a simple reason. It's the most profitable illegal activity in the world. They get away with it partly because people like us don't want to think about it or face such ugliness. We don't want to see it or believe it, and thus, less is done about it. We give up our power because of our frailties, fear, and unwillingness to face reality.

Thank God there are people like Tim Ballard, the real-life hero whose story is the basis of the movie's plot, but we are not going to talk about that. I invite you to see the film yourself if you haven't already. What we will focus on is the spectrum of the human soul so dramatically displayed in Sound of Freedom. We do so to provide context for the personal power we all hold and the responsibility that comes with it.

The human spectrum is a diverse canvas. It is said that every individual carries within them the capacity for both tremendous good and haunting darkness. The pages of history and stories such as Sound of Freedom testify to this duality. While there are those who inflict unfathomable pain upon the innocent, there are also those who sacrifice all to bring solace to a suffering soul.

Every individual carries within them the capacity for both tremendous good and haunting darkness.

Darker impulses, when power becomes a chain. There are times when, swayed by personal desires, impulses and fears, individuals misuse their innate power. This can manifest in actions that range from mere negligence to deliberate harm, such as the magnitude of human frailty. What compels a person to cast shadows upon another's life? Often, it's the unchecked pursuit of power and the hunger to control that happens when our mental health is compromised whatever the reason.

In the darkness generated from that part of the human psyche Carl Jung called the shadow, the true purpose of one's power becomes obscured, hidden, or twisted. It's then easy to forget or even disbelieve the potential for light within all of us. The radiant acts power as liberation. On the opposite end of the spectrum, we witness acts of altruism, bravery, and compassion. These moments arise when individuals driven by purpose wield their power to uplift, heal, and inspire. It's in these instances that one's power becomes a beacon, illuminating not just their path, but also the ways of those around them.

The spectrum within, recognizing our colors. It's a humbling realization that each one of us, regardless of our background, holds within us the seeds of both of these extremes. While we might not commit heinous acts. We might occasionally succumb to our baser instincts, perhaps in anger, jealousy, or deceit. Conversely, while we may not be recognized as heroes, every act of kindness, patience, or understanding showcases our brighter side, highlighting our potential for immense good and guiding our energy through the eye of power.

Manifesting the best of our nature requires more than awareness. It demands action. The Eye of Power model offers not only perspective but also tools and methodologies that can help us move from darkness to light. Here are a few examples of things we can do that help us better direct our energies. Number one is self-reflection. Journaling.

EOP S2 67 | Sound Of Freedom

Sound Of Freedom: Manifesting the best of our nature requires more than just awareness; it demands action.

Dedicate time each day or week to jot down your thoughts, feelings, and reactions to daily events. Over time, patterns emerge, shedding light on our strengths and areas of growth. Meditation. Even a few minutes daily can help center our minds, allowing us to connect with our inner selves and understanding our triggers and responses. Feedback circles. Engage with close friends or colleagues, creating a space where you give and receive constructive feedback. This external perspective can unveil blind spots in our self-perception. We serve each other in this capacity in the Eye of Power community as well.

Number two is purpose identification. Values assessment. Make a list of core values and rank them. Understanding what truly matters to us can illuminate our purpose. For example, if compassion ranks high, then acts of service may align closely with your purpose. We often use psychometric tools to put an even finer point on this list to increase its potency.

Vision boards create a visual representation of your aspirations. What does your ideal life look like in 5 or 10 years? The images and phrases you choose can hint at underlying purposes. Seek inspiration, attend lectures, read biographies, attend webinars, or watch documentaries about individuals who have made significant impacts. Their journeys can provide clarity about what resonates with you.

Number three is accountability and responsibility. Set clear boundaries. Define what's acceptable in your interactions. If a choice or action doesn't align with your purpose or values, have the courage to say no. Mentorship. Engage with a mentor or coach. Their external perspective and experience can guide you, ensuring you stay true to your path and purpose.

We also grow as we serve others as a mentor or coach. In the Eye of Power community, we call them guides. Once qualified, everybody is a guide and is aided by at least one guide. Action and reflection cycle. After significant actions or decisions, pause and reflect. Did that choice serve your purpose? Did it bring light or shadow? Over time, this practice sharpens your alignment with your true worth.

While the spectrum of human nature is vast and varied, the choice of where we position ourselves lies firmly in our grasp.

Conclusion. The power of choice. As we wrap up this journey, remember, dear readers, that while the spectrum of human nature is vast and varied, the choice of where we position ourselves lies firmly in our grasp. Using models like the Eye of Power and allies like the guides you will find in our community, we can shine a light on our darkest corners, ensuring that our actions, no matter how big or small, reflect our true radiant selves. Let's pledge to harness our power to grow and illuminate not only our paths but also the world around us as we grow. Until next time. May your power always be guided by purpose, compassion, and the best of your complex nature. Let's go.


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