Why Listen To The Eye Of Power Podcast?
Why would you wish to listen to this podcast? In this episode, Tom Dardick gives his not-so-brief answer. The length is because, like most questions, there is more than meets the eye.
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Why Listen To The Eye Of Power Podcast?
Being stuck in a place we don't wish to be in is the worst, isn't it? The more it seems that we can't change, the more our hopes slip away. That leads our whole outlook in a not-very-good direction. We feel like we're weak or flawed in some way. It's kind of true. We're all flawed. We're all beings of limited perceptive power but that doesn't mean our character’s flawed. What's happening is we're bumping up against our very nature.
Change is hard for a good reason. Our physiology works against us. We're hardwired to conserve energy. As an evolutionary strategy, it makes sense. In the conditions before relatively recent days, the last 10,000 years or so of civilization, survival for humans and humanoids meant having the energy to flee a threat whenever necessary and that could be at any moment.
We don't get chased by lions too often anymore. While the biological need for this trait may be diminished, the circuitry remains. As if that didn't make our task hard enough, our difficulty with change is even worse than that. It's because of our complexity. If all we wanted needed were good meals in a safe home, life would be relatively simple but that's not the case. For every need that we satisfy, a new one seems to emerge. The choices are always expanding. We're learning, growing, and changing, whether in the way we intend or not.
It's like we're trying to hit a moving morphing target. No wonder we can feel powerless to change ourselves to avoid that which takes away our peace of mind. I have good news. It's the answer to the question I posed at the beginning, why read the show? It's this. We all have superpowers. That may be an exaggeration. They are also what makes us human. I call them superpowers because they can free us and this show will take a close look at them.
We all have superpowers because we have the ability to imagine worlds and adapt to changing circumstances.
We'll find ways to put them to productive use. Can you guess what these superpowers maybe? I'm pointing to our abilities to imagine worlds and adapt to changing circumstances. The human story is a story of triumph and tragedy. One of the differentiators between the two is directly related to our abilities to perceive circumstances, imagine a better way, and adapt to make that better way a reality. We do it all the time but we stay stuck at least as often.
Why is it that sometimes we successfully adapt while other times we can't? One reason is that our superpowers, our abilities to imagine and adapt, not only free us but also imprison us. The specifics of our perceptions can lead us to bliss or despair. Perception is a tricky space to explore. Our perception never quite matches reality. This is because we are beings of limited perceptive power since we never know we are forced to use faith. It's not optional. The question becomes, in what do we best place our faith? This question has and always will spark debate as long as we are human.
Here's one major difficulty. Since the models we use to navigate the world are never the actual world, they are incomplete. They have shortcomings, distortions, and flaws. They serve us most of the time. Otherwise, we would simply discard them. It's those times when they are almost right where the traps lurk. We misplace our faith. We believe in half-truths, even fallacy. This is a major way we bleed our personal power and it happens all the time.
It's worth our while to examine ourselves in this way to continually update our models and that's something we'll do together in this show. The shortcomings of our mental models of the world, which include our self-image, picture of everyone we know, precepts and principles, and everything we believe to be real, can reduce our ability to create the positive change we desire. We can easily slip into an unproductive cycle where we dedicate more and more energy to worse and worse effects as we tilt at windmills à la Don Quixote.
The shortcomings of our mental models of the world, which include our self-image, picture of everyone we know, precepts and principles, and everything we believe to be real, can reduce our ability to create the positive change we desire.
Reading a show like this, where we examine those precepts and challenge ourselves to improve our models, can help us avoid the worst effects of such a cycle. As the name suggests, we take a careful look at the internal landscape in which both grants and robs our power. The Eye of Power model helps us better imagine how our agency in this world works. That means we can identify the things that block us and make better use of the things that free us.
Eye Of Power Podcast: The Eye of Power model helps us better imagine how our agency in this world works. That means we can identify the things that block us and make better use of the things that free us.
We'll talk about the classic conundrums that people face regardless of time and place. We'll look at the traps that slow us down as we make our way toward a greater sense of purpose. Who knows? If you don't feel particularly purposeful at this time, we may even help with that as we go. Wherever you are, just know that here, we will slow down to take a good, long look at the universal aspects of life that tie us together and make us all one.
We'll also find those things that give us our beautiful uniqueness. There is nobody else like you. That means you have gifts for others that only you can bring to the world and it's time for you to put them to greater use than ever before. I'm excited to see what that might be. Make sure to like and subscribe because what we'll talk about is the most important thing, you.