Using AI To Improve The Quality Of Our Thoughts
In today’s episode, we begin to harness some of the mind-boggling potential rapidly becoming available via AI tools. Yes, it's daunting, maybe unnerving, to rely on a machine for tasks and functions that previously only humans could perform. We need to get over it. Fast. We can’t sit still, or the world will pass us by. Our focus begins with the power of our thoughts—how do we refine and clarify our thoughts using AI tools as a resource? Listen for some useful suggestions!
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Using AI To Improve The Quality Of Our Thoughts
One of the bigger ways we squander our personal power happens because our thinking isn't what it could be or is subject to an unprecedented stream of fact and opinion, most of which is meant less to inform us than persuade us. As a result, we believe things that just aren't the case, or at least, we lack proper context for our notions.
We act on incomplete assumptions. We go with our gut, unaware of the processes that led to that particular set of emotional responses. We don't always think things all the way through. No matter how smart we are, there's no avoiding these things. The good news is we're at the dawn of an age where this dilemma will improve dramatically but it's up to us to do the work, and I know you're up for it.
The world we're living in is increasingly complex, isn't it? Sometimes, this complexity can leave us feeling a little out of our depth. We might find ourselves falling into the trap of misguided beliefs or relying heavily on faulty arguments. Let's get back some of our control. We'll do that by building our abilities to think critically, cut through the noise, and make decisions based on reasoning that is more complete, logically sound, and incorporates perspectives beyond the limitations of our individual perceptive powers.
The big question though is how we can possibly do that. The good news is we have tools of incredible power capable of helping us. We've talked about AI before. There's a lot of nervousness and excitement that go along with the uncertainty and potential of the power of AI. At its core, it's just another tool and it will serve us to the degree we learn to use the tool skillfully. The question is how. How can we use language models like GPT-4 to improve the clarity of our thinking and thus, improve our lives through better decision-making?
AI Tools: At its core, AI is just another tool, and it will serve us to the degree we learn to use the tool skillfully.
Our first step is the same as any process of positive personal change. It's self-awareness. Before we can work to improve our thinking, we need to realize where our thought processes might be falling short. We can impose some discipline by asking ourselves questions like, “Am I jumping to conclusions too quickly? Am I generalizing from a single example?” These are a couple of the pitfalls we fall into often without realizing it. As that old saying goes, “The first step to solving a problem is recognizing there is one.” We made a definite decision that we're going to improve.
Once we have the humility to admit we have more to learn and decide to improve, we open ourselves up to the possibility of getting help. We can stick with the tried-and-true methods of books, videos, and courses but we're going full-out in the 21st century. We're going to use large language models like GPT-4 as a thought partner. We’ll use artificial intelligence to make our genuine intelligence even better. We're going to get smarter.
Once we have the humility to admit we have more to learn and decide to improve, we open ourselves up to the possibility of getting help.
AI models like GPT-4 are designed to process language in a logical and structured way. They can play a crucial role in helping us to hone our critical thinking skills because of the way they're built. For example, we can use AI to check our arguments for logical consistency or generate counterarguments to test our thinking. Imagine having a debate partner who's ready to challenge you 24/7. Isn't that awesome? Here are some specific ways we can do that.
One thing AI can help us do is better embrace logic. Logical fallacies, cognitive errors, and reasoning often cloud our perceptions. AI can play a pivotal role in helping us recognize and understand these fallacies. For instance, we could use an AI tool designed to present arguments riddled with fallacies like straw men or appeal to authority. These exercises can sharpen our skills and spot logical fallacies, leading to clearer thinking.
AI is capable of so much more than simply presenting us with information. It can also provide an unbiased perspective, a sounding board for our thoughts, and help us refine our arguments and enhance clarity. You might draft an essay or prepare a presentation and then use an AI tool like a language model to review your work. AI can identify weaknesses in your argument and gaps in your logic, even propose alternative perspectives. These actions will refine your thought process and expand and clarify your power of perception.
We all suffer from confirmation bias, the tendency to cherry-pick information that confirms our existing beliefs. AI can be a valuable ally. AI is consistently exposed to diverse viewpoints. For example, we might use a news aggregation app that uses AI to curate articles from a wide range of perspectives. This gives us the chance to see beyond our thought bubbles and expand our perceptions.
Interacting with AI can help us become more self-aware by highlighting our cognitive biases. Consider using an AI-based journaling app where the AI prompts reflection on your experiences, beliefs, and reactions. Over time, you'll notice patterns in your thought process where you were previously unaware. This could reveal biases that restrict your self-awareness.
AI can stimulate fresh thinking by exposing us to new ideas and perspectives. Let's say you're tackling a problem at work. An AI brainstorming tool can suggest unconventional solutions, nudging you out of your usual thought patterns, and sparking creative problem-solving. AI is constantly evolving and reflecting our ongoing journey of self-improvement. There are numerous AI-powered learning platforms that offer courses in a variety of fields. Embarking on this learning journey with AI as your partner can continuously refine your thought processes and perceptions, making you a more informed and aware individual.
By using AI to refine our thinking, we enhance our personal power and autonomy. It's important to remember that AI isn't a crutch but a tool to empower us. Let's say you're facing a big decision. An AI decision-making tool can guide you through a structured thought process, weighing pros and cons and considering different outcomes but in the end, the decision is yours. Remember, we're building our personal power, not seeding our decisions over to anybody or anything else.
AI isn't a crutch, but a tool to empower us.
If you're a regular reader of the show, you'll know what the final suggestion will be. We need to make use of AI to improve our thinking in regular practice. Learning critical thinking isn't a one-and-done deal. It's like working out. Consistency is key. As you go about your day, challenge your thinking and reflect on your arguments and decisions. Are they as logical as they could be? Are there any fallacies? Self-reflection is such an essential part of our growth.
There you have it, folks, a roadmap to leverage AI in the quest to become better thinkers. Remember, the more you practice, the better you'll get at it, like learning a new language or playing an instrument. In so doing, we don't just become better thinkers. We exercise our autonomy, assert our individuality, and increase our personal values. Let's go.