The Meaning of September 12th
Many people took the time to remember the significance of yesterday, the anniversary of 9/11. Regrettably, fewer do the same for today. Because the silver lining in the heinous destruction of that infamous day was the inspirational, near universal reaction of solidarity. And that’s worth remembering. In today’s podcast, we tie the universal experience to the personal. Because that’s what we do - we look at building our personal power. And this example is a profound reminder of what is possible.
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The Meaning of September 12th
This episode is a little departure from our usual show topic. It's a special day. It's worth remembering what it means in the hope that we may rise above the conditioned responses that come from the polarized narratives of the times in which we live. Many forget or are too young to appreciate the significance of September 12th. Almost everyone knows about yesterday. Many people remember the solemn anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
As we reflect on that horrific tragedy that shocked the world, we mourn the precious lives lost. We also honor the many who gave their lives heroically trying to save as many people as they could. It's an opportunity too. Should we so choose, we may rekindle hope by remembering the unity, compassion, and courage displayed in 9/11's aftermath. On September 12th, 2001 in America and the civilized world, there was a rare sense of unity.
In the Eye of Power community, we believe in humanity's potential. That doesn't mean every one of us acts with integrity and wisdom all the time. The world is comprised of polarities. The dual nature of things is a source of function, value, and meaning, but unlocking the best in our potential is not the easy path, the path of least resistance. It requires character and it requires work. It's a lifelong journey of self-development.
Together, let's reaffirm our shared bonds and renew our commitment to growth. When we cultivate our personal power, we gain the ability to lift others. The illusion of separateness, it's normal to view the world as an us versus them struggle. Our brains are wired to respond to differences and our behavior is to naturally divide into factions. However, when we take time to dig past the surface, we often discover that we want many of the same things. Why is that?
Our brains are wired to respond to differences, and our behavior is to naturally divide into factions. But when we take time to dig past the surface, we discover that we want many of the same things.
It’s because we're all unique individuals, but we're also all human. We're far more alike than we are different. We all experience love, grief, joy, and suffering. We share with our families. We long to matter. We ache for purpose. Though our paths differ, we're pilgrims on the same sacred human journey. The aftermath of 9/11 revealed that in our darkest moments, the bonds of humanity hold strong.
Throughout the world, those who identify with modern civilization of cooperation and respect collectively realize the nature of the tragedy. The terrorists did not intend an attack on the people who died that day. They attacked the modern world itself, the world they viewed as a threat to the world they were taught to cherish. They attacked the concept of individual agency. It was an attack on the way of life we all share and we drew together in service, solidarity, and compassion.
However, with time, the smoke clears and old habits return. We forget that beneath the labels, we are one people. The truth of September 12th, the day when we all felt as one, remains unchanged. One thing we all share is our fragile temporary human life. Will we use it to heal or harm? Serve or sever? The choice is ours. It's a matter of marshaling and directing the full force of our agency, cultivating personal power.
In the Eye of Power model, we divide the process of self-development into four quadrants. Together, they comprise the ways we cultivate and express our personal power, our agency. First is action-directed on behalf of ourselves. Here, we cultivate the courage we need to face limiting fears, pain, and sacrifice in order to grow. Second is the attitude we have regarding ourselves. Here, we expand self-awareness to better express our true nature.
The next quadrant describes our attitude towards other people. Work here improves our relationships to allow us to see beyond surface differences. Finally, there's the quadrant where we derive purpose from the actions we take on behalf of other people. This is how we develop our potential and put it to use in service of others. When we ignore developing our capacities in these four quadrants, we tend to stumble down random paths. We more easily fall prey to unhealthy habits.
However, when done with wisdom, this self-work unlocks our gifts. The world is better because we're better. The capacities we develop are what opens us up to heroic action and we're all capable of that, practices that unify, not divide. As we remember the feelings of unity and solidarity, we have an opportunity to renew our commitment to growth.
The Eye of Power Model includes these four practices. Number one is mindfulness. So much of the uglier side of human behavior comes from knee-jerk emotional reactions. When we stop to examine ourselves and the situations we're in, our behavior and decision-making usually improve. We can work to systematically improve our mindfulness. Regular meditation and reflection are ways we can tame our reactive habits.
Number two is self-awareness. We can't see our own blind spots. Therefore, we don't know the ways we limit ourselves and squander our personal power. We can avail ourselves of tools that can help us expand our self-view. In the Eye of Power community, we use four distinct mirrors to help us better see ourselves, but we can all resolve to work on ourselves in myriad available ways. The key is to understand that we are all a work in progress and resolve that tomorrow will be a little bit better than we are now.
September 12th: We must understand that we are all works in progress to resolve that tomorrow and be a little bit better than we are today.
Number three is a consideration. It stands to reason. If we want respect, we should give respect. What does that mean? In the Eye of Power, respect means the ability and habit to recognize and celebrate the unique gifts within other people. It's a power habit that improves relationships and widens the range of people with whom we meaningfully connect.
Number four is contribution. The way we think about contribution in the eye of power community is the development of our unique set of abilities and the discovery of ways to put them to the best and highest use. As we do this, we don't only lift ourselves. We lift everyone. When we look within and see our innate wholeness as we develop our capacities for courage, honesty, respect, and service, surface labels placed on those we perceive as different lose their power to divide us. Shared humanity and unique expression. Imagine how society might evolve if each of us nurtured our own unique gifts while we honored our commonalities.
September 12th: When we look within and see our innate wholeness, surface labels placed on those we perceive as different lose their power to divide us.
Like instruments in an orchestra, we each have a vital part in the symphony of civilization, but music requires listening. We must attune ourselves to understand, not condemn. There are as many ways to be human as there are humans. Each one is worthy of respect. Through clear eyes with the capacity for love, we are all brilliant variations of a singular human spirit. By seeking unity, not uniformity, and not blind obedience, we heal and transform.
Like light refracted into rainbows, humanity’s beauty shines most radiant through its diversity. Even a rainbow is one seamless arc. Distinct hues embraced in a singular hole. As we close this episode, may we carry a renewed vision. A vision of our personal power cultivated through care. Our unique individual gifts are expressed through service. Our separate lives are woven together in a beautiful tapestry.
We are all brilliant variations of a singular human spirit. By seeking unity, we heal and transform like light refracted into rainbows. Humanity’s beauty shines most radiant through its diversity.
We remember that the ugliness of the attacks on 9/11 does not define humanity's course. It reveals who we are at our core when we see beyond surface forms. In honor of lives lost, let us live the fullest expression of the gifts we are given. When we develop our potential, we contribute to the best in humanity. Together, we can create the world in which we choose to live. We are one people and there are no strangers among those who stand. Only fellow travelers on this human journey. Let it begin within and let the efforts begin anew. Let's go.